Health and safety legislation requires businesses to manage ‘known risks’ by eliminating health and safety risks so far as is reasonably practicable. If it is not reasonably practicable to do so, businesses should consequently establish processes to minimise these ‘know risks’ so far as is reasonably practicable. Explicitly stepping through the risk management process will make your organisation safer, by reducing the likelihood of an incident occurring. Furthermore, and legally-speaking, it is of paramount important that businesses can clearly demonstrate that they have an active ‘risk management’ process established. This will to protect them, following a workplace incident; or, a workplace visit from the health and safety regulator.
Designed with consideration to ISO 31000 – Risk Management, our Risk Management Module will guide you to document known or foreseeable risks and hazards, list the current controls you apply, and record any planned future risk control strategies. As you step through this process, the Risk Management module will support you to capture any consultation processes that have taken place. Importantly this module will allow you to define a risk review date, and a risk-owner for each line item on the risk register. This is a requirement that is often not considered by businesses until too late.
Our Risk Management module will guarantee that your senior leaders meet their due-diligence legal duties with respect to health and safety risk management. It will also ensure that every-person in your business is on the same page with respect to the risk controls measures that your business has in place, or intends to put in place, to protect those who may be impacted by your operations.
Implementation of this module will reduce the likelihood of a significant event or injury, ensure consistency in how work is done, and enable your health and safety legal obligations to be met.
This Risk Management Module provides a clear way for your business and management to manage their legal obligations; whist more importantly, ensuring that foreseeable hazards remain front of mind and controlled.
What risks can you manage?
Safety Champion’s Risk Management Module can support more than health and safety risk. This module is designed to allow businesses to capture enterprise risks. As a result, risks categories are fully customisable. You may consider entering the following categories into the Risk Management Module including:
- Safety
- Quality
- Environmental
- Financial
- Information Technology
- Operational
- Reputational
How does it work?
As you build your Risk Register: (i) define inherent, current, or future risk ratings; (ii) assign risk owners for individual risks; (iii) build out corrective action plans; (iv) schedule review dates for individual risks; and (v) share relevant risks with everyone or specific groups.
Like all modules with Safety Champion, configuration is placed into your hands. Create questions based on the risk type, upload your own risk matrix and define what levels of your risk makes sense for your organisation to capture.
Importantly, this module will support businesses leaders to demonstrate their legal health and safety due diligence obligations. Owners, Directors, Executive Management and Leaders are required to demonstrate that they have taken reasonable steps to understand their operations, hazards, and risks associate with their operations.
This Risk Management Module provides a clear way for your business and management to manage their legal obligations; whist more importantly, ensuring that foreseeable hazards remain front of mind and controlled.
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Health and safety legislation requires businesses to manage ‘known risks’ by eliminating health and safety risks so far as […]
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Health and safety legislation requires businesses to manage ‘known risks’ by eliminating health and safety risks so far as […]
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