Safety Champion Software Launches Employee Assistance Program
Safety Champion Software now offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), a tool companies can provide their workforce to support their broader mental health, resilience, and wellbeing programs. Unlike traditional EAP pricing structures that have a pay as you use model, the Safety Champion EAP has a flat cost per employee regardless of uptake, making it far more accessible to small businesses.
“Our mission is to make safety easier and accessible to all businesses. EAP Programs are widely adopted in larger organisations, to support workers navigate both work and non-work-related issues. However, due to variability in the investment, small businesses are most often priced out of this service. Via a headcount pricing-model this strategic partnership with Action OHS and Safety Champion, provides small businesses with a clear and visible pricing structure, allowing them to leverage the benefits of this employee benefit, which include increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and improved employee engagement and empowerment to name a few. The adoption of an EAP service is one piece of the puzzle businesses can use to navigate mental health hazards in their workplace” says Safety Champion CEO Craig Salter.
The workforce is seeing rising stress levels, ranging from work related stressors to personal problems. Not only is an EAP a vital resource employees can turn to in times of need but it also plays a big role in safety. In 2021 alone, there were 120,355 serious work-related injury claims, resulting in over 100,000 days of lost productivity. Those injuries are caused by a variety of things, such as repetitive stress or accidents. Although you can’t prevent every accident from happening, an EAP can help ensure your employees are taking care of their physical and mental health, putting them in the best position to be safe and careful at work.
With an EAP, employees can access assistance from a psychologist in both a face-to-face setting or over the phone and skype. Counselling is available via appointments at a location and a time that is convenient for the individual. Employees can access free, professional and confidential support for a range of scenarios including but not limited to:
- Anxiety and Depression
- Family and relationship problems
- Loss and grief
- Conflict at work or home
- Substance abuse issues
- Career transition
- Trauma
Confidentiality and privacy are always guaranteed and counselling services are 100% confidential for users, except in the rare case that significant risk is identified. Demographic data is gathered on service users for analysis of trends and usage rates to assist your organisation to adapt to the welfare needs of their employees. All information is aggregated in such a manner as no individual service user can be identified.
The EAP can be integrated into Safety Champion, allowing employees to access information and guidance material via our Noticeboard Module. Not using Safety Champion Software? No problems, we can still provide you access to this service.
With EAP starting at less than $2.50/day for businesses with less than 10 workers, if you would like to find out more, please Contact Us and a member of our team will be in touch with you in less than one business day.
If you want to find out more about the EAP, fill out your details below.