T2 Case Study – How software can meaningfully improve your safety program
At the May WHS Show in Melbourne, together Craig Salter and Jayde Nicholson shared the stage in a Spotlight Session where they presented on the topic: How software can meaningfully improve your safety program.
Craig (Founder of Safety Champion Software & CEO of Action OHS Consulting) and Jayde (Health and Safety Manager, T2 Tea) together explored the tangible benefits that T2 Tea (T2) have found as part of their Safety Champion software roll out – which commenced 2017. Their podium session which was attended by approximately 50 business owners and OHS Professionals examined how safety software can reduce administration and increase the visibility of “what is happening” within the workplace.
Through the Spotlight Session, two (2) case studies were explored by Jayde. These included:
- How software created efficiencies in T2’s health and safety program by reducing safety administration, thus allowing more time to be spent on understanding and improving safety across their retails, head office and distribution workplaces globally; and how software can support health and safety program agility, highlighted by the fast-rollout of initiatives such as their Mental Health Program.
In conclusion, Craig provided an overview of four (4) considerations, from his experience with onboarding over 1,250 customers, that businesses looking to transition from paper-systems to a software-system should make:
- Focus on your Objectives (what you want the software to support) over Workflows (how the software will achieve the objective)
- Be clear on your functionality needs. Is offline access a must? Do you have a remote workforce?
- Ensure that software will support Action over Administration. Be careful that you don’t move the administration from your safety program, to administering your software
Watch the full presentation below (20 Min)
You can also view the presentation slides here.